The awakening

Many times the clock goes round, sometimes the world hold still
She can hear the tiny little drops coming out of the rusted tap
Blood rushing down her cheeks as it does every cloudy Friday
Popping veins throbbing like the anger of a fiery eyed monster
Something he had never seen before, His heart pounded fast
He knew this was the time; he could do nothing about it now
She eagerly pounds on the cage waiting to see the bright light
Awaiting her at the other end, she doesn’t belong in this place
He pondered on what to do, to die by the sword of his creation
Or to have his hand stained by the dark red blood of his very love
Feet growing bigger than her head, she was so thirsty for life
Before he could even think twice she was standing all over him
Shoulders pinned to the ground he could feel her very claws
Clasped to his shoulder blade, he knew this was the very end
He could feel the chills as blood soaked his Milky white coat
She couldn’t stop herself; some part of her knew him so well
But another part just wanted to smell the stench of his death
One more glance at it, he smiled as life sipped out of him
Then came a new being, one who rattled with great wrath
This is the predicted time, the awakening of a new being.


  1. I wanted to know why Kate Chopin's novel, The Awakening, should not be excluded from the High School curriculum. Any answers are helpful.

  2. Nice information.thanks for this important is really interesting.

  3. i also awake 40 minutes before the alarm rings, but i think it's because i've had enough sleep already, but if you're awaking every now and again, try to drink a glass of warm milk before you sleep, and take a warm shower,

  4. Knowledge without integrity, and the nature of humans to be jealous and want revenge. Might make us more dangerous.


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