An Open Letter To My Spiritual Father

God is a great Father,  He places people in your life at just the right times. Sometimes it can appear as if it is completely by accident. No matter how these people come into your life, you just know they’ll forever leave a footprint on your life.  That is the case with meeting you sir.  I am writing about how you have impacted my life, and helped me grow into the woman I am today. I know that I wouldn't be the person I am today without a "super" father like you that continues to encourage me to be a better person. You are filled with so much love that I find myself in awe of.

You truly have had one of the biggest impacts on my life. I can honestly say that without your guidance and support over the last three years, I would not be the confident woman I am today. Your kindness and nurturing will forever be ingrained in my heart. I thank the Lord that He had a plan to bring you into my life. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know sir. Thank you for being the mentor I wanted, much more thank you sir for becoming the spiritual father I never knew I needed. You have been a blessing to me in ways that I don’t think I will ever be able to repay sir . You have helped me too see myself the way God sees me.

Thank you sir for being true to your calling.

Thank you sir for challenging me always to be better.

Thank you for your heart of gold.

Thank you for your loving heart that puts others before yourself.

Thank you for continuing to fuel my reading habit. 

Thank you for modeling for me what it means to be a strong pastor.

Thank you for teaching me to keep an open mind, even when I want to resort to my close-minded ways.

Thank you for your honest words, even when it’s the opposite of what I wanted to hear (but exactly what I needed to hear).

Thank you for encouraging me to always take care of myself.

Thank you for pushing me to excel in life

Thank you for your love, when I’ve felt the lowest. Knowing I was loved made all the difference in the world.

Thank you for teaching me to follow what truly is important-God.

Thank you for being an earthly example of what God's love is like.

Thank you for making me stronger in Christ, and guiding me into a more foundational relationship with Him (I will forever be thankful for this one).

But most importantly, I just want to thank you sir for saying yes to the Lord.  This singular act has change lives beyond boundaries.

With love,

Your Daughter in Christ


  1. Thank you Sir For being all you have been to Us. You have indeed transformed our lives.

  2. Thanks dad for being who you are to us at all times.
    Your impact on me is evident to all
    Love you sir


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