Is God Enough?
Is God enough? Have you ever asked yourself this question? I have. Many times. This was the question I asked myself as I throttled down the stairs of my med school dormitory room 8 years ago wondering why I felt so much emptiness. This was the same question I asked myself 3 years ago while even right in the centre of God's will. For everytime I asked this very question, I often get the same answer! God is absolutely enough, but much more He has to be enough.
But why was I asking these questions? 8 years ago I had lost someone so precious to me, this made me question if God was all He said He was. 3 years ago I was busy comparing myself to the ideology of what society envisioned a successful woman to be. One thing was so common to these two experiences, circumstances, feelings and situations of life had made me loose sight of the One who was most important- God
The question of if God is enough can never be answered by your circumstances or your feelings, this is because these things are unstable. One moment you are riding on a horse in the most beautiful castle, the next you are deep in the muddy brown ditch wondering what you are doing right there. That's how volatile and unstable circumstances and feelings can be. You must understand that God's goodness is independent of how you feel or do not feel. Rather, God's enoughness is seen at the price he paid for you even when he never knew you would say yes to him. Everytime you ask yourself If God is enough merely from the stand point of things happening around you, you water down the sacrifices He paid to have you as His very own.
The truth is many of us have set up physical idols around us , such that we begin to think less of God and more of those idols. For some it is money,for others it is marriage or the need to be recognized. What idols have you set up that makes you feel God is not enough? You need to thrash them and guard yourselves from them. 1 John.5.21 says "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." . Idolatry can most times make us question if God is enough, in my case it did until I let them go. Perhaps you are thinking, "well I don't have any graven image in my home" how about the graven images in your heart that seem to be taking the place of your first love. What is that thing or person that distracts you from focusing on God appropriately. Yes, that is your idol and one day too soon these idols would make you question if God is indeed enough.
How then do you silence the voice that keeps whispering God is not good enough? The word!!! You have to preload your heart with the truth to fight these deep insecurities and get the idols off your back.
The last time I asked "Is God enough?" I opened up scriptures and plugged my ears with the words spoken over me by my spiritual parents. Read word for word , listened letter to letter in order to silence the deceptive thoughts of self-doubt and mediocrity. One of the scriptures that always stand out for me is Psalm 16:5
Ps.16.5 - My choice is you, GOD, first and only. And now I find I'm your choice! [MSB]
This scriptures is a reminder that I am God's choice and I will always be His choice whether I feel it or not. Looking back to those years and times when I was so deep in the valley, now I realized that until I was assured that God is so much bigger than my little valley I was stuck. I would have died in that valley thinking He wasn't enough. God doesn't have toexplain everything about what He does and what He allows to you. You just have to totally trust Him to know He is for you.
Everything in life becomes worthless when you lose sight of your greatest need—CHRIST. "He is not good enough” is an insidious lie that keeps God’s best at bay for many of His children. So the next time the devil comes to you with the lie that you don't have all you need or you are not where you should be. Remind Him that you are exactly where you should be "In Christ" and that is more than enough!
Dear friend, whether you woke up this morning in sunshine or rain, one thing is certain- God is enough and He has always being.
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