Comfort Zone Is Overrated
The “comfort zone is something I’m sure you’ve heard mentioned before, perhaps too many times. You have probably heard things like "Your happiness is waiting outside of your comfort zone'' and all the many quotes. Your comfort zone refers to the limitations of risk you are willing to take in life. It is created based upon what you are familiar or comfortable with. The actions, risks, and challenges you would take will rarely extend outside the boundaries of what you are comfortable with. Therefore, it’s called the comfort zone.
We all have a ‘comfort zone,’ one that is defined by the people, places, things, routines and habits that are familiar to us.
Have you felt like you want to break out of the familiar to walk on water, yet scared to do so? Yes, I have felt that way but in the end I have come to the conclusion that comfort zone is overrated.
Overrated by who? Obviously by the CEOs of the comfort zones...
Hey but hold so many ways it's true that the place you call comfort zone can make you complacent and unwilling to move. However it may surprise you that God actually invites you to step into a zone—one that isn't yours, but His. It's called the God Zone.
"Oh great isn't it... So I am just going to step from one comfort zone to another zone? " You may say. But before you get all worked up here is the difference, in your own comfort zone your strengths start to atrophy. But in the God zone, your strengths are malleable. Every step expands your perimeter. The more you push yourself into His instructions , the more territory you gain.
The only way God can do His perfect work in you is if you let go of that zone of yours and get into His. Your “comfort zone ” is your biggest enemy towards achieving the vision that God has given you. Only doing things you are comfortable doing makes you place too much faith in your own abilities. But, when you do something you can only do with God’s help, you aren’t placing your faith in your own abilities. Stepping into the God zone is saying He alone is your sufficiency.
God’s zone won't always feel comfy for you. In order to grow in your walk with Him, you will be stretched from time to time. It can be hard, a little nerve wracking and sometimes a little painful, but God is working something great in you and for you.
Dying for Christ wasn't comfortable but He did it anyways, because He saw the end from the beginning. Stepping into the God zone doesn’t mean that every action you take should make you uncomfortable. What it does mean is that you are determined to serve God regardless of your comfort level.
Just as some people in the Bible thought, Oh, no! Not me, Lord! You may feel you are not equipped or ready to take on a big job of getting into the God Zone. If you’re feeling called beyond what you think you can do, remember His strength is perfected in your weakness.
You can either be like Jonah and run from God, or you can embrace His plans and run the race. When you follow His lead, you’ll be able to look back and wonder how you ever accomplished things and the only person you can point to is God.
" I don't think the way you think.The way you work isn't the way I work."God's Decree.For as the sky soars high above earth,so the way I work surpasses the way you work,and the way I think is beyond the way you think."
Isaiah 55:8-9 (Msg)
The way God works surpasses yours, so it will always shake you. Has God asked you to do something out of your comfort zone recently?
Share your faith with someone you don’t know?
Love someone that is hard to like?
Give something beyond your feelings?
Follow Him to an unknown place?
Let go of something or someone?
Do something you have never done before?
Today… be prompt to obey walk with Him in faith at the end of your comfort zone to the God Zone.
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