Chasing the 'God dream'
There are times I've asked myself this "How do I chase my dreams, when I am being led the other way?" Just when I am so confidence in following, it pretty seems like every time I turn around, someone who feels more “arrived” is telling me that I need to dream bigger, work hard and achieve greatness. It’s everywhere: the mindset that you can and should pursue your dreams. In fact, you likely feel like a failure if you aren’t pursuing your dream. However how does that come into play when I am bent on doing God’s will? Can I chase my dreams and still chase God’s dreams?
Don't get me wrong, God is not anti-dream. He wants you to step into all the good works He’s prepared in advance for you to do. As long as it is a 'God Dream' it's worth the pursuit.
So, how do I know if I am pursuing something that isn't the 'God dream'? One of the things I have learned personally is that if I am pursuing this dream more than I am pursuing the knowledge of God, then something must be wrong. If the pursuit of my dream has replaced my pursuit of Christ , then my dream has become my god. Having another god besides Him doesn't seem like a 'God Dream' to me.
Another lesson I have learned is that the 'God dream' moves the focus from you and what it will bring you, to God and how it will serve people. I heard this story about a young man who went to a pastor that he wants to serve God in the church. He kept talking of how God has called him to preach and teach and all that. The Pastor immediately told the young man how great it was and that he had a job for him to kick start what God has called him to do. The pastor told him to assist in cleaning the church busses that would be used in picking up people to church the next day. However the young man replied ''Oh pastor, seems you don't understand the serve I meant. My dream is to serve the lord by preaching to people not doing minor jobs like that. Some people are called for that but I am graced to preach and teach''. This young man's focus is obviously him and being famous. Pursuing a God dream with the wrong motive leaves nothing but emptiness. You have to be honest with yourself if that really is a 'God dream' and the motive for your pursuits.
It’s easy to mask our own self-centered dreams with spiritual language like 'God told me' or 'I know it's God’s will'.
Have I been tempted to pursue dreams camouflaged to be God’s? Yes. However I get through it by submitting to the promptings and warnings of the Holy Spirit. How did I react to times when God had to redirect my dreams or tell me outrightly you are not doing that? Times when my motives were pure, I was a bit disappointed, confused, even sad, but I eventually got on board and made God’s way, my way. I will have you know that months down the line when I looked at the supposed dreams, they were going to take me farther away from God. They would have made me more self-dependent than God-dependent. I still wouldn't have been satisfied.
Now, I know with all of my being that the only thing that will ever leave me satisfied, fulfilled, and at peace with my life is to live it in the way that Christ desires for me. It’s just too exhausting to be spinning my wheels and feeling emptier and emptier. It's just too tiring holding on to a worldly pursuit and a dream that the Lord is clearly telling me to let go of.
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Matthew 6:33 Msg
I'm 101% stuck on God.
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