It's Time To Quit Waiting Tables, I Can't Do It Anymore

We all have those moments… usually they come and go pretty quickly, but sometimes they stick around for a while…

Those “I WANT TO QUIT” moments

 Mine came barely few months after I decided to follow God’s plan for my life...

"Why am I doing this to myself?" I asked. Excuses to resign from the call of God flooded my mind:
‘’I can be normal like everyone else, go to work come back relax and just sleep.  I really need to have more quality time with the Lord. I can do that if I stop what I am doing. Maybe I am doing too much after all. Since I am experiencing difficulties, maybe I am out of the will of God.’’ All the excuses made sense to me. Thoughts tormented me for several days. Some of them centered around negative comments that had been made by others. When those comments were rehearsed in my mind, the excuses for quitting came to the forefront.

Perhaps you have been here. In a place between ‘quitting’ and the ‘not quitting.’ those tables.
Waiting tables, isn’t necessarily easy.  As a pastor, doctor, mentor, daughter, sister, friend, writer, future wife and mother, The thoughts of the so many hats that I currently wear and some that God has promised I will wear can be overwhelming especially when it still looks like I am stuck at just one table.

One day as the devil tried to bring the thought of quitting God’s plan for my life to me, my heart just knew I could never walk away from what God would have me do. I would never find true happiness outside God's plan for my life. Never! At that moment, I took a pen and wrote in my book, it was like drawing a line in the sand. I wrote with great passion from my innermost being, "I have resigned from quitting!".  From that day forth, each time an old thought of quitting hit my mind, I would remember my decision. Never again would I quit. Never again would I question the call of God. Never again would I consider an alternative to God's purpose for my life.  My plan is to walk with God and serve Him as long as there is breath in my body. Are there hard places in serving God? Yes. Does that stop me? No. My mind is settled on following God's plan for my life.

I have never regretted the decision. Today, people ask me when I am going to do things and live life like everyone else does so I can be successful. I boldly tell them, "Never!". God didn’t call me to live like everyone else. He called me to be faithful. It’s my job to work hard and to do that. Success is His responsibility. If I quit the calling that He’s placed in my life, then the task will go unfulfilled—and I will miss out on the blessings attached to it.

So if you are in a place like this, just like I was…don’t throw in the towel just yet, don’t quit. It may appear that everyone else is ahead and things seem not to work for you. It’s just the lie of the devil to keep you stuck with the greener grass syndrome. One scripture that keeps me going is Psalms 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 

Be still and know he is God, the NET bible says ''Stop your striving and recognize I am God...''. That is good news for you, stand up strong and get better at waiting those tables God has committed to you. I would like to recommend this book to you "You Will Get There''. It is a prophetic book by my spiritual father, it has helped me get through those I quit moments. I know it will bless you. 


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