I'm Not Who I Want To Be, Can I Have Another Me?

Have you ever felt lost in your own house, wandering from one place to another, searching for something you know you need but can’t exactly remember why?

There was a time in my life, where it seemed as though I was aimlessly wandering from one thing to the next.

I was discontent every step of the way...It felt like I wanted to be someone else apart from what God wanted me to be.

To be content in whatever situation? What does that even look like?

How was I to be content,  when everyone else's dreams are coming true while I stand there with hands left empty? Apparently the lie of the devil.

The problem was that I was content with the things I shouldn't be contented with and discontent with the the things I should be contented with.

Get it?

I realized that the reason I was discontent  was because I was too content with the wrong things.

I was content with what the world had to offer.
I  was content with the idols of my heart
I was content with everything else besides what God was offering.

In being content with these things, I found myself discontent with where God placed me. I started to compare what I had to what others had . I disconnected and disengaged and sought all that was greener on the other side.

Some people are pretty content with their life. Until they go on Facebook and see an old school mate taking a trip or riding the latest car.

It’s funny how easily we can talk ourselves into wanting to be more, have more, and do more. And for me, it happened when I let the things of the world creep in where the word of God should reside.

The world is shiny and glittery-full of all kinds of stuff that competes for our attention on a daily basis. Without even thinking, we often pursue contentment through the Picasso painted by the world  We turn our eyes to the world and let the media alter our expectations and dictate our moods. This shouldn't be so.

 It's ok to desire things however they become worthless when we elevate them above Christ and worthless things produce selfish discontentment.

Do you feel like something’s missing in your life? Maybe you’re looking for contentment in all the wrong place..

Have you ever looked for contentment in things or someone and found disappointment instead? If your answer is "yes", reflect on these Bible verses

You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages]
Isaiah 26:3-4 (Amplified Version) 

Only a mind stayed on God and His word can be content. The world is forever pointing out things that should be ours, creating in us a sense of entitlement. Then Satan points us to those who have attained the things we hope for, pushing us farther down the road of discontentment.

Contentment is attainable, but first we must kill the dragons of worthless idols that keep occupying our heart . And they will die as long as we keep our eyes focused on God’s word , the only one worth looking at.


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