Day 3: 30-Day True Woman Makeover Challenge
Modeling Humility
Does being a true woman mean you’re perfect? Hardly! A true
woman is simply different from most, but it’s those differences that are the
secret of her great influence.
• It’s more important that you model humility than that you
model perfection.
• As you allow yourself to be made and molded into the image
of God’s kind of woman, you will function at peace and at rest—not without
problems—but with joy.
• Do you want your husband to be a man of virtue, a noble
man, a man of spiritual strength and character? Then set out not to change him,
but to be the kind of woman with the kind of character that you want him to
This is just a taste of what you'll learn from Nancy Leigh
DeMoss in the series, “TheCounter-cultural Woman: A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31.”
“If I see you do it …
then I know it’s okay for me to do.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because … you’re a Christian. Right?”
This was a conversation that I had with a friend a while ago.
One that, at the time, filled my soul with pride and honor; to be known as a
follower of Christ by my peers. To be regarded in such a way that my
actions were okay to copy, because I had chosen to live my faith out
loud. Ever since that day, the Lord has continuously reminded me of this conversation.
I don’t know what started the conversation. I honestly can’t tell you
what it was about, but when these three statements enter my mind I can
literally hear it taking place. However it’s not pride and honor that
fill my soul.
As I think back over the past 2 years, fear now takes over
the places where pride and honor once filled. Fear at the realization of
how far away from Christ I really was. I was a Christian, safe and secure
in the hands of God. But the person, I revealed was far from Christ-like.
“… Actions … Responses … Decisions … Conversations …”
What have I done? Who have I led astray? Why
have I chosen to reveal something other than the love and person of Jesus
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, entered this world
as King, yet lived a life of a humble slave, willingly serving and sacrificing
for His Master. He chose to deny Himself, take up our cross and follow
the will of the Father … knowing full well what it would cost Him. He
knew my needs, and He knew I couldn’t meet them on my own. So He chose to
go the distance. He chose to go to the lowest place for me. How
differently would this world be if we, as followers of Christ, would live the
life of humility our Savior did?
What if we could always deny ourselves …
continuously take up His cross … and willingly follow … only revealing His pure
and radiant light?
Question for you . . . Do you think it’s possible to be
humble and confident at the same time?
I ask because I used to think humility looked something like
this: deflecting compliments, staying away from high-profile positions, even
talking down on oneself occasionally.
But then Moses changed my mind.
It happened when I read the following verse in Numbers 12:3:
“(Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone
else on the face of the earth.)”
Really?! Moses? Am I the only one who finds it surprising
that Moses was the most humble man on earth? He’s sort of the last guy I would
expect this of. After all, he was a leader—not of 10 people, or 100 people, or
1000 people, but well over 1 million people! His resume might have
If this were my resume, I would be anything but
I have a sneaking suspicion that Moses wasn’t always humble.
In fact, I think he started out rather full of himself. Think about what was
said to him when he interfered in a fight:
“Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to
kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”
Now, when he flees Egypt and hides out in the desert for 40
years . . . this would be the time I would have expected to read that Moses was
the most humble man on the face of the earth. I mean, he was a nobody in a
no-man’s land.
And yet, we don’t read about Moses’ humility until after He
partners with God in miracle after miracle.
Could it be that Moses’ secret to humility was not that he
deflected compliments, stayed away from high-profile positions, or talked down
on himself—but that he knew God better than anyone else?
Here’s how God describes their relationship:
“When a prophet of the LORD is among you, I reveal myself to
him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. But this is not true of my servant
Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face, clearly
and not in riddles; he sees the form of the LORD” (Numbers 12:5-8).
Maybe—just maybe—the secret to true humility lies not in
striving to be humble, but in getting to know God! Learning the contours of His
face, the rise and fall of His voice, His breath on your skin. Maybe—like
everything else that is good—humility just flows naturally out of relationship
with Him.
A Virtuous Woman Is Humble
A Humble Heart is the Key to Godly Favor
Humility is the virtue that allows a believer to admit that
they cannot do it alone. They cannot always see where God is leading them. They
do not always make the best decisions, and even make foolish ones from time to
time. They cannot always withstand temptation alone. They cannot always fight
off attacks from the enemy alone. They can be weak. They can be given to crazy
thoughts and even crazier actions. This is normal. It's called humanity. And
admitting one's humanity requires humility. But amazingly, because of their
humility, God can still use them despite their humanity.
Every Christian woman can receive favor from the Father,
grace enough to compensate for her faults and shortcomings. The key is a heart
of humility.
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