Day 16: 30-Day True Woman Makeover Challenge
Training Our Daughters
Learn how to train the next generation of women to have
modest hearts as they grow up in an increasingly permissive world.
• Modesty is, first and foremost, a heart issue. Don’t expect
this world to teach your children how to be modest in heart, behavior, and
dress. That’s your job as a parent.
• One of the killers of the faith of Christian young people
is that they do not see that their parents’ faith has joy in it. Your kids will
most likely reject your religion if it is a joyless religion.
• Make sure you are setting an example of loving and obeying
God. When you fail, be humble enough to say, “I was wrong. Would you please
forgive me?”
This is just a taste of what you'll learn from Nancy Leigh
DeMoss in the series, “The Attractive Christian Woman.”
Moving on……
The next generation of young women desperately need to know
the Word and see it lived out by real women striving to honor God and obey the
Truth. They need to experience relationships in which the Scriptures are
applied with humility, grace, and determination. They need
transparent answers to their toughest questions, even if those answers are a
bit messy and raw.
Psalm 78:1-7 challenges one generation to make known to
the “coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the
wonders he has done.” In this way we bring Christ to distant generations as
well, “that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise
and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God.”
This is a generational stewardship, given to us by God. When
we disciple women, their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren
stand to receive the blessings of our efforts. Our lives matter and will matter
for a long time. A glacier seems to be accomplishing little at the moment but
it leaves behind a Grand Canyon. Be willing to be part of a glacier. We want to
leave behind generations of women who “set their hope in God.”
The first step in discipleship is to be a disciple yourself.
“Disciple” is not just a verb, it is also a noun. You are, first, a disciple of
Jesus. Discipleship involves “Be who I am” more than “Do what I tell you.” Who
you are will make an impact.
I am deeply indebted to two women who have made a costly
investment in me. Much of what I am passing on to women today is what I have
learned from them. In whom do you see spiritual life and the radiant beauty of
Jesus Christ spilling over into different aspects of her life? Whom do you want
to imitate ? Ask her out for lunch and tell her your heart’s desire. See if she
is willing. The first woman I asked said she just couldn’t do it. That is okay—
keep trying. Discipleship means taking relational risks.
Discipleship isn’t about professional Christians passing on
their best practices to amateur Christians. Being a disciple, and learning to
disciple others, means looking at Jesus with such intensity and delight that
you actually begin to reflect his beauty in everyday life. As you grow in
grace, Jesus becomes more precious, more satisfying, more exciting than
anything else. And as you behold him, others will want to join you and you can
begin looking to him together. The most important way you can disciple others
is by enjoying Christ yourself in such an irresistible way that your enjoyment
becomes contagious.
Love those you’re discipling as Jesus loves you. Remember,
it is not our mission to show others how sinful they are, but how beautiful
Jesus is! So link arms as you walk together in your common need for Jesus.
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