Day 13:30-Day True Woman Makeover Challenge
A Woman’s Great Loveliness
What comes to mind when you hear the word modesty?
• To be modest is to:
o know how to be appropriately embarrassed.
o be discreet.
o be reserved.
o see yourself as you really are.
o be ashamed if your attitudes or dress were ever to cause
dishonor to Christ.
• To be immodest is to:
o be showy.
o talk too much.
o be arrogant.
o be aggressive, controlling, or domineering.
This is just a taste of what you'll learn from Nancy Leigh
DeMoss in the series, “The Attractive Christian Woman.”
Moving on…
Modesty is a controversial topic, especially when you throw
God into the mix. For some, they simply cannot fathom, amidst all the great
injustices in the world that God actually cares if a girl wears skin-tight
pants with the word “Juicy” written on them. But in the end, it is the Word of
God that should drive our discussions about modesty. What has God revealed
about it? First and foremost, a biblical definition of modesty must focus on
the heart. Modesty is primarily about our motivations. In addition, modest
dress is also about discernment, having an awareness of others and our environment.
Paul on Modesty: 1 Timothy 2:8-10
“I desire…that women should adorn themselves in respectable
apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or
pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess
godliness—with good works.“
Christian women should concern themselves with modesty
because the Bible does. This text is a primary example.
What Modesty is and what it is not:
Modesty is not anti-pretty: “women should adorn
themselves.” These are not the words of an anti-fashion prude. The
question for Paul isn’t about whether a woman should ornament her body,
but how.
Modesty is about who you worship: Women are
commanded to adorn themselves in a way that is fitting for worship. When
you go to church, go dressed in a way that shows you desire to the attention to
be on God, not yourself.
Modesty is about behavior and attitude, not just
clothing: Women should seek to dress their lives in works that do good to
others, marked with godly love. This means modesty is not simply about what we
wear, but how we act, how we communicate, and how relate to others.
Modesty shows sensitivity to sin: No, a woman is
not guilty of a man’s lust if she dresses with the intention to allure him. Let
him account for his sins. But she is guilty of a lack of shamefacedness, for
treating sin lightly. A heart of modesty is motivated by a love for one’s
fellow man.
Modesty is about true freedom, not repression: More
often than not, modesty standards are seen as repressive, arbitrary rules that
restrict a woman’s creativity and freedom. But when modesty is motivated from
the heart, the exact opposite is true.
Modesty is a respectable manner of adorning one’s body and
carrying oneself, born out of a freedom from a worldly definition of beauty and
worth, and motivated by a hatred of sin and a desire to draw attention to God.
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