Day 11: 30-Day True Woman Makeover Challenge
Women in the Church
Women can be either a great blessing in the church, or they
can do incredibly great damage. They can make the gospel believable, or they
can cause people to turn awayfrom Christ.
• The first item Paul brings up on his agenda for women in
the church is their appearance.
• The way you dress is a reflection of your heart and character.
Right attitudes will produce a right appearance.
• You can’t separate the inward from the outward. This is
just a taste of what you'll learn from Nancy Leigh DeMoss in the series, “The Attractive
Christian Woman.”
Moving on…..
We need to be clear about one thing before moving forward.
The value of men and the value of women are perfectly equal in the eyes of God.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is
neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28,
emphasis added). The spiritual standing of every human being, regardless of
nationality, class, or gender, is the same. The ground at the foot of the cross
is level—women matter as much as men. This is abundantly clear from the life
and ministry of Jesus and the apostles.
Yet the fact that men and women have equal rights and access
to salvation does not negate the need for submission to leadership in the home
or the church. Indeed, Jesus and the Father are equal, yet Jesus submits to the
authority of the Father. “The head of every man is Christ; and the head of the
woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God”
It is true that for far too long, men have misunderstood the
proper role of women in the church, often treating them as second-class
Christians. Because of this, many gifted women have been left without an arena
in which to use their gifts. Perhaps this is why many Christian women reacted
to their unfair status by following the “prevailing winds” of the world,
ultimately desiring things that God forbids.
The fact is that the pendulum of the role of women in the church has swung too far in both directions. But where humans have failed, God promises victory, peace, and restoration. That’s why both sides in this debate need to seek wisdom and guidance from God’s Word in order to grow in the unity of the faith.
The fact is that the pendulum of the role of women in the church has swung too far in both directions. But where humans have failed, God promises victory, peace, and restoration. That’s why both sides in this debate need to seek wisdom and guidance from God’s Word in order to grow in the unity of the faith.
Let’s not dive into a controversial but eye-opening passage
that deals with women in a church setting, but rather let us ask ourselves this- What then is the
role of women in Christ’s church? The Bible is very clear that women ought to
leap into ministry with both feet! Indeed, one of the greatest weaknesses in
the church is the lack of women’s ministries truly focused on Christ and growth
in the Word.
Plus, throughout the Bible, women are shown as equal in the nature of their ministry. Several examples include Deborah, who was a judge of Israel; Priscilla, who was active in evangelism and Pheobe, who was a deaconess.
Plus, throughout the Bible, women are shown as equal in the nature of their ministry. Several examples include Deborah, who was a judge of Israel; Priscilla, who was active in evangelism and Pheobe, who was a deaconess.
The body of Christ requires a balance of male and female
leadership to remain whole and healthy. To allow one half of the body to
atrophy while the other carries the weight (whether it’s men or women doing the
heavy lifting) results in a lopsided image of the Church that is frightful to behold.
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