Poetry: I WRITE

Poetry:  WRITE

I write because
There my night turns into day
My dusk shadows brings forth light
And in every word lies a dream

I write because
I have never forgotten the rhythm of the sea
For the love and the secret that haunts us
To find reasons for our presence and actions

I write because
They are letters scribbled on the back of the dead
Against time which we defeated and conquered
Bringing to life what we created and recreated

I write because
Each poem is tied to the tree that inspires us
Because I have learned to read the sand and water shade
To understand the cloud and the daily flight of birds

I write because
I am waiting to capture the edge of this world
To stop its very breath and make it listens
As a standby light on the back of every cold night

I write because
Each poem is a silent but extremely loud prayer
Clothed with the robe of an infinite eternity
To save the silent ones and those unspoken for

I write because
The tinted words on every turned page
Illuminates those who count on my lips
To fill the black hole dunged into every day

I write because
The blinding flashes in every single thought
Is my way to be free from every pinching letter
Looking to find its voice in this unsaid world


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