Day 29: My 30 Day Poetry Journey

Day 29- I will briefly research a poetic form of my choice and write a poem according to the rules of that particular form.

Epistle: A letter in verse, usually addressed to a person close to the writer.

Letter To A Best Friend

I am unsure how to begin this letter but we both know that doesn’t matter
What we have is deeper than alphabets scribbled in form of a manifest
I want to chant this to your very ears, louder than the music of spheres
You taught me what it is to be loyal, what it is like to share something royal
You taught me the beauty of having a friend with whom you have no split ends
 Life without you and our hobbies would be like a pile of abandoned puppies 
You didn’t judge my stupidity or fallibility, never for once misused my vulnerability
Always picking the pieces left by others, making sure I am never really bothered
I want us to stay friends when I graduate, hoping we’ll build love without hate
Calling your phone when I get my first job, or need to go to the beauty shop
I want us to stay friends when I’m married, watching our single lives being buried
When I’m old and have no teeth, I hope we still crack jokes while we breathe
So here’s to you and good partnership. Here’s to memories and our friendship


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