Day 10,The Love Dare: Love Is Unconditional
Love Is Unconditional
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Today’s Dare: Do something unexpected and out of the
ordinary for someone today to show your unconditional love. Reach out to
someone, forgive someone, lay down your life for someone as the Holy Spirit
leads you and see how He will change your life, your heart, and the hearts of
those around you.
This is one of those days that The Love Dare has a
lot to say. . . and that’s good because this is foundational information. I
believe that loving unconditionally is something that is easier to do if you
grew up with it, but something that we all need to do better. And since it is
so close to the heart of God I believe that He will help us every step of the
way in our feeble attempts . . . it’s that important to Him.
Love is unconditional. What is it you love about your
spouse, your friends, your family? Is it the way your significant other looks
or smells? Is it the way your friends listen to you? Is it the things your
family does for you? What if all of the things that you love about the people
in your life stop happening? What if your significant other loses his good
looks or his wit and charm to a disease? What if your friends are just too busy
to listen to you? What if your family just up and decides to stop doing things
for you? Can you still love them anyway?
That is the challenge of Christian love: loving anyway, loving irrespective
of , loving despite of. Christian love is loving “because He
first loved me,” and understanding that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died
for us,” showing us the ultimate love. And then walking out that understanding
in our daily lives by loving others, sacrificing for them, providing for them,
giving to them, despite how they treat us. It is the acknowledgement that we
never have and never will be able to deserve God’s love– He just gives it to us
freely! Therefore, how can we withhold that same pure love from others based on
what they deserve? We can’t without being total hypocrites.
Most times we are surrounded by family who know exactly how
to try our patience more than most, let’s not give people what we think they
“deserve.” Let’s free ourselves from the bondage of judging others and just
love unconditionally, knowing that our reward will be that we are an ingredient
in the Almighty God’s happiness. (And what could be more awesome than the
thought that WE could make the infinite God happy based on the small acts of
obedience and sacrifice that we do?!) John 15:13 says “Greater love has no one
than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Let’s lay it all down
today and sacrifice for our friends, showing them what is really the greatest
love of all.
The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s
unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one
being loved but rather by the one choosing to love.
In every relationship, perfect or unconditional love is
possible and yes, it does exist.
We humans can strive for perfect love, but we are imperfect
people. These imperfections makes the possibility of a total and complete
unconditionally-accepting relationship impossible except through Christ.
Unconditional love is hard to explain. It’s something that
has to be understood and experienced. If you can give up on your wants and yet
feel happier, just watching someone else happy, then that’s unconditional love.
If you can selflessly love someone else, not to get
something back in return, but to genuinely make someone else happy, that’s
unconditional love.
If that isn't unconditional love, what is?!
Sometimes, heartbreaking and unforgivable things can happen
in our lives which will test the depth of unconditional love in our hearts. For
example, if you are a man and your wife commits adultery with another man, how
will you react the very first moment you hear her confess to you? If you
forgive her, how will you react if she repeatedly disrespects you? The story of
the Prophet Hosea and Gomer in the Bible is indeed a story of unconditional
love in marriage.
Lately I have come to realize that I do not need to have people
by my side to love them. I do not need to have them even like me, or be friends
with them to love them. Even when they hate me, or do not want to have any
contact with me, even then I need to still continue to love them and live for
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