A Ramblers' Love Story: My first Love
I’m in Love
And here is my
love story
It all
started when I was young
My mom kept
reminding me to love this man
She told me
things that made my heart leap for joy
I felt
something but I didn’t know what love was
I was too
young to understand anyway
I’m sure you
are thinking
Could my
mother be bad
Why would she
allow me to fall in love so young
Well you
think wrong
If you’ve
met this man, you would fall in love too
Anyone would
and Anyone can
He is
He never
gives me everything I want
But he makes
sure I get everything I need
Weird you
may think
But everytime
I’m alone and sad
He is always
there to guide and love me
What more
could I ask for
The funniest
thing is this
My mum told
me that this man gave himself for me
For me, when
I wasn’t even born
Who does
He’s one of
a kind, Ideal, perfect
His Name is
signed on the cover of my heart.
My first
Love, My living bread
He is the
song I sing when I lie in bed
He is the
light that makes me shine all day
His love for me has no bound
I am his and he is mine
“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou
hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and
repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will
remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent”
Does your love belong to the Lord Jesus first? Has He
absolute priority in your life? Does everything else in your life come after
Him? Do you really try to listen carefully when He wants to speak to you
through His Word in the Bible, and have true fellowship with Him in this way?
Do you love the Lord Jesus above all else, even if you have lost everything
that was dear to you, when for some reason you can no longer work or cannot
move? Have you learned to love Him before all else?
Let me say again, our best, our first, love for Jesus, must
come before everything else. If we let anything else come before our first
love, then it is no longer the first love, but the second, or even the third.
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